Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Embrace my geekness? You got it.

For those of you not really concerned with my geeky life I would skip to the START HERE portion of today's Brilliant Post

Let me just start by saying that I have not and most likely never will consider myself a "cool" person. The "in" crowd is not a place I really care to be. Cute.. cute I've got covered. Basically I've got cute down to a science, and short of a few fussing incidents its saved me every time. But today was not about embracing my cutness... It was about embracing my geekness, and apparently somewhere deep down inside it was all just waiting for this day to come. While I didn't have any sudden jump in IQ points or find myself spouting off completely random information to people (well there may have been a bit of spouting) I was quite geeky all the same. What I lack in other areas I made up for in basic weirdness and clumsiness that can only be allowed on a day in which embracing one's geekness in something to strive for. So here is the rundown... Lets just say one of the first things on my todo list when I get home is a hair cut. Today was a very geeky hair day not even a pony tail was going to look remotely calm, quite frankly it was just depressing. But it just gets better. While waiting on my grandmother to pay at this rather classy hair salon I started laughing at the people behind the counter... I'm not really certain what the reason for this was most likely something they said or did. Not a normal person would play this off... a geeky person (or myself today) just continues in the bliss that is social ignorance and is severely judged by the other party. Having some once of normal in me I had a very strong urge to put to use one of the fabulous dance moves I've learned from Caleb and run out (okay maybe normal was a bad word choice) Had I been alone I probably would have, but to save my grandmother from myself I just left quietly. Following the salon episode I spent at least 2 hours in bookstores. Once we finally made it home I found myself sitting on the couch reading a book until ,of course, I was running late. I had to find and so I had a few errand to run before Bible school. Could they have waited? Of course. But being the adorable geek that I am this was my schedule and I was sticking to it. So Walmart was my first stop, at which I realize the shoes I am wearing are completely impractical for the task ahead and so I purchase some different ones. Very practical sneakers. My geek points just went up. After picking up a few other things and checking out. I ran into this pour guy in the parking lot and dropped everything. Fortunately he was cute and did help me get my stuff out of the parking lot, but oh my goodness. The only thing I could think of was Steve Urkel has apparently posses me for the day. And so my day goes on. Possibly my favorite part of the entire day was stopping at a local party supply looking for Jumbo sunglasses. I was running late and so I just asked the first person I saw who worked there... He had no clue, but directed me to someone who might know. And they had them! and so after fumbling and knocking down about 5 pairs of Jumbo Sunglasses I announced to the woman that she was in fact my hero, and I was very excited about the sunglasses she just had no idea. Seriously I think she was regretting the second look for them. But oh well. The rest of my day was pretty calm. I did start talking to myself, and comment on the fact that I was talking to myself, then comment on the fact that I was commenting on the fact that I was talking to myself... yeah. My original plan for embracing my geekness was a pair of crazy Urkel glasses, and some bad shoes.. ha! who needs costumes when you've got the real deal?


I want to thank everyone who has been praying for me, and encouraging me this summer. Although I'm not in Peru or Bolivia or anywhere else that is equally terrifying it still means the world to me. I have learned so much this summer, it's amazing! And the summer is still young! (That may be a terrifying thought...) It's funny how God works... we prayed for big things to happen this summer, that we would learn and grow and be stretched and pushed outside of our comfort zones, and I'm certain many of us have, but God knows what we can handle and that constantly amazes me. One of the most important things I've learned about myself this summer is that I'm a skip-to-the-end-of-the-book person. Once I know the characters and the basic plot line I just want to see how it all ends up, but than where is the fun in that right? So I'm working very hard to be a read-ALL-the-details-person, and finding that I quite enjoy it. Who knew?! I am so thankful for this opportunity and I plan to remember it forever.

As far as my todo list goes I'm doing quite well. I am extremely happy! Deep sea adventure is fabulous and wonderful, and I am thoroughly enjoying myself. If you didn't skip ahead you're well aware that my geekness has been embraced enough today to last me at least a week... Pandemonium and cows will be getting their day. The stressing thing is a learning process, but I'm working on it. If you were even wondering about the coke thing, we need to talk. My muscles are not aching yet, but I feel the pain in my future. Not crying of things that are not worthy of tears... who really decides what is worthy and what isn't. I mean Macaroni is very important. Live right now... that's my plan and I'm sticking to it!

*deep breath* :D


  1. oh, there are so many things about this that I love...
    first of all, you are my favorite geek in the world. and i wish you would have pulled a caleb and danced out of the hair salon. and i wish someone would have filmed it. ohio will never be the same.
    also, i think i would be more terrified of being in ohio than in peru.
    and macaroni is most definitely worthy of tears. as is playing boom snap clap with the little girls in peru. i cried. yes. ridiculous.
    i love you i miss you and i´m glad you took time for a deep breath at the end of your post and i read phil 4 with my teammates and we all prayed for you and for ourselves to be more open with sharing our struggles and turning them over to the Lord and i miss you k bye.

  2. oh my...your posts are great. they're just...wow. they sound like you and they're so aly and awesome. thanks for sharing your heart. i'm so proud of what you're doing and so impressed with you and how you wound up in Ohio to begin with...God wants you there and I'm just really excited about what He's doing. And SO glad that you're still just being crazy geeky you. i am too. and it's great. the end.
